The drought has a grip on golf courses that may have never seen. It is affecting turf and tree health on practically all courses in the lower Mid-Continent Region.
These conditions require a significant change in golf course management.
* Responsible water conservation
* Water Rationing
* Protecting turf and trees that are in survival mode
* Maintaining playability as well as possible
First of all, aesthetics are out the window. Any golfer who is upset about brown areas on the course has not been outside. Superintendents have courses in survival mode, plain ans simple, and their programs by management and golfers alike.
This drought level requires special maintenance practices to protect turf and trees, including raising cutting heights, adding potash to fertility programs, watering as deeply as water limitations allow, using water bags on key trees, and the biggest one, restricting carts. Golf carts can impose severe damage in drought conditions, even on bermudagrass, and as a result, a certain amount of cart restrictions is essential in such severe conditions.
Another important planning requirement is to maintain water availability through July and August if quantities are limited. Many Superintendents are accustomed to balancing water availability in August, But this drought has forced some course to implement water rationing since April or May.
As discussed in the Mid-Continent regional update, water applications can be reduced in fairways and roughs with no significant impact to playability, only aesthetics. These restrictions are based on regulatory constraints imposed on the course. Water bags are used on important trees, since rough irrigation will be the most restricted water level. The remaining order of priority for irrigation scheduling is greens, surrounds, tees, landing areas and then the fairways. Raising the cutting height helps maintain better root and rhizome health, and increases the ability for the bermudagrass to go semi-dormant or dormant as a survival mode. remember irrigation systems supplement rainfall-not replace it. During significant drought, no system can keep up with soil moisture in all areas.
Restricting golf carts protects the turf by reducing stress and compaction on the turf, both above and below the ground. Maintenance traffic also is more restricted for the same reasons.
Superintendent and golfers alike must plan for next fall and winter if this drought persists throughout the summer. As bermudagrass hardens off in the fall for dormancy, drought conditions can significantly impede the buildup of roots and rhizomes to withstand winter. therefore, traffic restrictions and raising cutting heights will have to be implemented sooner that early fall for bermudagrass protection.
Golf course Superintendents need golfer understanding and support now, as much as they may have ever needed it. This is a difficult time, with no immediate end in sight. Superintendents are looking desperately to prevent turf loss, and the focus on grooming, bunker care, etc. must take a back seat. Do your part to protect your investment and let your superintendent know that they have your full support.
USGA Article Posted June 23rd.