Our staff has began to spot treat ants on the property. A bait is being applied for the workers to take to the Queen to terminate her life and then the ant bed dies out as well.
An Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta)
What is it?
The red imported fire ant (RIFA) is a small reddish brown ant from South America . There are six known species of fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) in the United States, three of which are found in Arizona. These three species are the southern fire ant (S. xyloni), and two species of desert fire ant (S. aurea and S. amblychila). RIFA has not established in Arizona, but is present in the bordering states of New Mexico and California. It was discovered near Yuma, Arizona but was exterminated.
Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta)
What is it?
The red imported fire ant (RIFA) is a small reddish brown ant from South America . There are six known species of fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) in the United States, three of which are found in Arizona. These three species are the southern fire ant (S. xyloni), and two species of desert fire ant (S. aurea and S. amblychila). RIFA has not established in Arizona, but is present in the bordering states of New Mexico and California. It was discovered near Yuma, Arizona but was exterminated.
Adult red imported fire ants.
RIFA are small but highly aggressive. They inject a necrotising, alkaloid venom when they sting. The stings result in painful, itchy, and persistent pustules, and sometimes in severe allergic reactions. Five million people are stung each year in the southeastern United States. About 25,000 of these people require medical consultation. When a fire ant mound is disturbed, workers boil to the surface, run up any legs, arms, etc. in the vicinity, grab the victim's skin in their mandibles and sting synchronously in response to the slightest movement. The attacks are coordinated and dozens or even hundreds of workers sting in unison.
Fire ants live in colonies that may have 100,000 to 500,000 ants. The queen of the colony can lay from 1500 to 5000 eggs per day, never leaves the nest and can live for many years. Worker ants take care of the queen and her eggs, build the nest, defend the colony, and find food. Preferred food of fire ants consists of protein-rich sources such as insects and seeds. Winged male and female ants fly from the colony in the spring and summer to mate in the air. The males die and the females become queens that start new colonies.
Only the red imported fire ant has a median clypeal tooth and a striated mesepimeron; these may be difficult to see at first. RIFA also have an antennal scape that nearly reaches the vertex, a post-petiole that is constricted at the back half, and the petiolar process is small or absent. Of the native fire ant species, the southern fire ant (Solenopsis xyloni) looks the most like the red imported fire ant. It can be identified by its brown to black color, well-developed petiolar process, and no median clypeal tooth. Desert fire ants (Solenopsis aurea and S. amblychila) are both yellowish-red to reddish-yellow and have a well-developed petiolar process. RIFA can also be identified by the proportion of large to small workers in disturbed mounds. If half the workers in disturbed mounds are large and dark, it is RIFA. If only a few large ants appear relative to hundreds of small ants, it is non-RIFA.
Characteristic Description
* # of node segments 2
* # of sizes of workers Many (polymorphic)
* Size of workers 3 – 7 mm
Shape of thorax Uneven
* # of antennal segments
* 10 with two-segment club at tip
* # pairs of spines in thorax
* None
* Reddish brown, abdomen darker
* Present, inflicts pain, leaves white pustule (pustule is not an allergic reaction)
* Material Formed from excavated soil
* Wider than a dinner plate at its base
* Shape Amorphous, often oval shaped like a mountain cone
* Visibility Above ground, 4” to 24” tall
* Entrance None visible, ants access mound through subterranean tunnels that spoke out from the central mound
* Texture Has a fresh-tilled appearance, especially after a rain
Why is it a Threat?
RIFA colonies are extremely destructive. They dominate their home ranges due to their large numbers and aggressiveness. The lack of natural enemies results in population booms in areas they invade.
RIFA alter the composition of the ecological communities in the areas they invade. They outcompete and frequently eliminate native fire ants. They also compete with other animals for food and alter abundance of prey species. RIFA attack eggs and young of many bird and reptile species. In areas of high infestation, RIFA have significantly reduced northern bobwhite quail populations (Allen et al. 1995) and may completely eliminate ground-nesting species from a given area (Vinson and Sorenson 1986). They also attack small mammals such as rodents and have been known to attack and sometimes kill newborn deer and cattle. Due to a 10-20 year lapse before bird population reductions are observed, it is suggested that actual effects of RIFA on animal populations may be underestimated (Mount 1981). Natural plant ecosystems could potentially be impacted as well. RIFA predates upon solitary bees that are pollinators of certain plants (Vinson 1997) and move and feed on large quantities of seeds.
Stings from RIFA create health problems for many humans. Fire ants sting repeatedly and venom is injected from the poison sac with each sting. RIFA venom has a high concentration of toxins that cause an intense burning and itching that lasts for an hour and is followed by a blister that becomes a white pustule. Broken or scratched pustules can result in secondary bacterial infections and permanent scars. In some individuals, severe allergic reactions can occur resulting in anaphylactic shock and even death (Dowell et al. 1997).
RIFA cost the US billions of dollars a year in damage to agricultural crops and equipment, livestock, wildlife, public health, and electrical equipment such as air conditioners, traffic signal boxes, electrical and utility units, telephone junctions, airport landing lights, electric pumps for oil and water wells, computers, and even car electrical systems. Control methods for RIFA are extremely costly.
RIFA are native to South America and were brought to the US sometime around the 1930's. They now occupy more than 275 million acres of land in the US and are found in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee, New Mexico , Oklahoma, and California. They invade via transported nursery stock, honeybee colonies, and on empty trailers and trucks. Cold temperatures may limit the northward spread of RIFA in the US and the westward spread may be limited by drier conditions. Natural dispersal occurs on flowing water. Areas with seasonal flooding are vulnerable to RIFA invasion.
In infested areas, colonies are common in lawns, gardens, school yards, parks, roadsides, and golf courses. Nests generally occur in sunny, open areas and are most common in disturbed and irrigated soil. RIFA mounds are 4 to 24 inches tall and have no visible surface entrance. Mounds are accessed through subterranean tunnels that spoke out from the central mound. Non-RIFA mounds rarely exceed an inch or 2 in height. RIFA mounds have a fresh-tilled appearance, especially after a rain.
RIFA are believed to have arrived in the southern United States around the 1930's on ships from South America as ballast waters were dumped or goods were unloaded. Their range expanded rapidly and today they occupy 13 US states and Puerto Rico .
What can be Done
RIFA is a regulated species in Arizona. To keep RIFA out of Arizona, the Arizona Department of Agriculture has been conducting surveys at high-risk sites such as nurseries, parks, truck stops, etc. In 2004, all samples collected were negative for RIFA. The drier climate in Arizona is a limitation for this species, however, as we irrigate more lawns, agricultural fields, and golf courses, we increase our chances of a successful RIFA invasion. Once RIFA has established in an area, the chances of eradicating it are slim and control becomes the primary means of fighting its spread. It is vital that we prevent the spread of this species. RIFA very easily travel in potted plants and soil and in our vehicles. If RIFA is detected, citizens should contact the Arizona Department of Agriculture for confirmation and eradication. Eradication methods are complex due to the life cycle of the species and should be conducted by trained individuals.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Greens Aerification Schedule
For those of you who caught on to Willy aerifying the greens in front of the MGA Championship Tournament, here's what was up.
The type of aerification that was completed is simply to break the barrier between the existing sand of twenty two years now and the new sand existing five years now. Where the two sands meet up they have formed a black layer. In turn, this blocks all water and air movement between the drainage lines and the turf.What I discovered was the water, whether it came from rain or irrigation was sitting on top of the black layer at three to six inches below the turf. In the warm season months the evaporation is likely enough to keep any water from standing in this area. During the cool season months, the water can only sit and wait for something to happen to dry out and/or drain out. By aerifying at ten inches deep we are able to break the black layering and allow water and air to begin flow from the surface through the seed bed mix and exiting into the drainage. The damage by aerifying with a solid tine is minimal, a heavy duty roller is used to keep the putting surface level and on top of that our staff comes along and rolls the greens several more times. So compare the greens to one week before, I would have to say good call Plowman. I hope you all fell the same, the greens have changed dramatically in one week already. On top of that, the next available date for this type of aerification would have been in July sometime, so do it now or what, we needed to take action now! Thanks for your understanding!
There will be three core removal aerification planned for 2012.
April 23rd-Monday after Member/Member
June 25th-Originally schedule June 18th
August 20th
One last note, throughout the summer months you will small holes quite often on the putting surface. In 2012 I plan to aerify with a 1/4" solid tine in between each one of our core aerifications. This has no effect on putting the ball to the hole, but at least you can blame me for your miss shot.
On behalf of the entire golf course maintenance staff we want to say;
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Bunker sand update
As of March 13th, all of the greenside bunkers have had sand added to them. We know plan to move to the fairway bunkers and install 1" to 2" of sand in them. On fairway bunkers, less sand is common so that long shots can be hit out the bunkers.
We certainly hope adding the sand has improved the bunkers, keep in mind as time goes by the maintenance staff will continue to roll the sod around the bunkers. This will help in controlling the erosion that is currently taking place on most of our bunkers. You can check out some of our work by visiting the #9,10,11,12,18 greenside bunkers.
Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent
We certainly hope adding the sand has improved the bunkers, keep in mind as time goes by the maintenance staff will continue to roll the sod around the bunkers. This will help in controlling the erosion that is currently taking place on most of our bunkers. You can check out some of our work by visiting the #9,10,11,12,18 greenside bunkers.
Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent
Friday, March 9, 2012
#17 greenside bunker
So today the drain lines are free to drain, the sod has been rolled around the bunker faces, and new sand is now being installed. Thank all of you for being so patience. We will now continue to add sand to the remaining greenside bunkers, #9,10,11,12 remain. Then to the fairway bunkers where an additional 1" to 2" will be added.
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