Thursday, September 8, 2011

Be on the look out for your trees

Drought Causes Trees To Lose Limbs

 Southeast Texas homeowners are dealing with a serious danger right in their back yards. The drought is affecting trees so badly that they are losing limbs. Homeowner Jennifer Stancik said she felt her whole house shake when large branches from her back yard oak trees started to break. She said it felt like an earthquake.
"It was like a humongous bomb," said Stancik. "I've never experienced anything like it."
One large branch crashed right into her neighbor's bedroom. Her neighbor was OK, but it caused quite a scare.
"You didn't even want to go outside," said Karen Hoelscher. "It was that scary."
Silvicare Tree Service owner Mike Hackfeld said that in his 30 years in the business, this summer is the worst he has ever seen for dying trees. He said a majority of his service calls are for dying trees or dead tree limbs of living trees.
Hackfeld said it is important for homeowners to water their trees, especially large trees, in this dangerous drought.
Stancik said she is hoping and praying her oak trees, which are several hundred years old, will not cause anymore damage.
"Never in my wildest dreams would I think the drought would cause something like this," said Stancik. "It's eye-opening."

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