Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Golf Course Fertilizer

On Monday June 9th, the golf course maintenance staff applied 10 tons of fertilizer to the golf course. The fertilizer was applied at 5 lbs. p/1000 sq. ft. or at 220 lbs p/acre equivalent to 1 lb. of nitrogen.
 The fertilizer was applied to tee tops, tee slopes, fairways, roughs, and green slopes. Two of our staff members applied  fertilizer  between the bunkers and the green as well. The large spreader is not able to go into these areas because it will throw the fertilizer onto the green and  fertilizer burns will take place if this fertilizer sits on a putting surface to long without being watered in. This fertilizer is designed for turf mowed at higher heights of cut not turf being mowed at .117.
 Checo applying the fertilizer on hole #17.

The staff had reloaded the spreader with fertilizer. This type of spreader typically will handle 2 tons of fertilizer in one load.

The picture below shows the amount of fertilizer on the turf. Once it was watered in a large quantity of this was gone and moving to the plant.

Here's the even better news. By watching the weather on daily basis actually several times a day on daily basis. I knew the chances of rain were good for this afternoon and on top of that there was a line of storms to the west of us moving towards Katy. I told my staff to get after it and lets get every hole fertilized so that Mother Nature can water it in for us. So basically, we got two big hits yesterday;
1. Mother natures water-there is no better than hers!!!
2. 10 tons of fertilizer on the ground!!!

Turf will be on the move in about 7 days

Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent

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