Thursday, August 22, 2013

Greens Aerification

 On August 12th, the greens were aerified for the 3rd time and should be the final time for the year. All went well during aerification and the greens are recovering well. It has been 2 weeks now and I'm  rather pleased with the recovery.
 On Monday August 26th we will double verti cut, double cut, top dress, and roll the greens. Then the following day I will spray a fertilizer application with the growth regulator at the full rate. We will also be lowering the height of cuts throughout the remainder of August. Currently we are set .117 and be lowering to .109, that's just above an 1/10th of an inch.
 So September and October should be setting up nicely.

Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent

Back in operation

 My computer had been acting strangely here lately. Especially if I tried to enter the blog and attempt to enter articles onto the blog. A couple of days ago I came into the office to use the computer and was completely blocked out by a virus.
 After a full day of the corporate folks working on it, I was able to get back in it again. So we'll see if all works out. Thanks for being patient in waiting for a post.

Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent