Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vert-Cutting & Top Dressing Greens

 Here's some pics with detail included:

Verti-cutting machine. These are attachments that are put onto our existing greensmowers. We verti-cut 1/8" below the height of cut. Theory is, to reach the soil line. We are currently mowing at .117 and we vert-cut at .125 below the height of cut!!!
Vert-cutting is a necessary tool to remove thatch. This grass is not the same as what we used to have during the 1990 years. A whole bunch of maintenance is required to keep them up.

Here's a front view, look at the grass coming out of the verti-cutting units. We make a pass in one direction and then turn around and vert-cut directly on the top of what we just verti-cut one more time. Why, GRAIN, when you go down grain the cut is smooth, when you go against the grain the cut is rough. I like rough, so when you go back and forth over the same cut you are now consistently removing thatch and grain throughout the entire green.

Next step; the greensmower now mows the green, following the same steps as the verti-cut machine did. mows the green in the same direction as the verti cut and then turns around and mows the same cut again. Now you have mow everything down grain and up grain. There's no favoritism here.

Next step, the blower is brought to remove any excess grass clipping from the putting surface. Look closely and you can the clipping that are being removed.

Around the edges is where large amounts of clipping can pile up, so it's important for us to clean up the edges.

Next step; top dressing greens. A dusting application is applied to help in filling the lines cut in the grass.

Greens are generally top dressed 2 to 3 times a month. Most people do not even realize we top dress so often. Back in the old days, when we top dressed, well everyone new it because sand was all over the greens for days, causing so much inconsistency. In todays time, we top dress by dusting the green surface with sand and very little disruption happens.

When the top dresser is filled up to 4 greens can be top-dressed without refilling. When we aerify greens 2 hoppers are applied to each green.

Next step; dragging in the sand. By dragging the sand we are moving the sand around and filling gaps, voids, lines, etc. A huge step in maintaining a consistent smooth putting surface.

Will drag the sand in multiple directions if needed. Under this circumstance only one drag over the entire putting surface was needed.

Finally, the last step; After the dragging is completed the irrigation is turned on to work the sand down into the turf.

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