Thursday, October 30, 2014

Leveling Tee Boxe #5

Some of you may have already noticed that the white tee box on hole #5 has been tampered with. The golf course maintenance staff came in and removed the sod from the tee top and then leveled the soil. once all elevation levels were  shot and agreed upon the staff then replanted the turf back onto the tee top.  The staff will then top dress the tee top heavily with sand so that any gaps will be filled and the level of the tee top becomes a better consistency.

 From here; will be moving to #7 blue and white tee box and then to #9 white tee. Once #9 is completed the staff will shift to leveling a few of the LADIES tee boxes. So ladies let me know which ones are bothering y'all.

Willy Plowman
Golf Course Superintendent

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